Your battalion is part of the first attack wave. Your objective is to capture a section of the German Number 1 and 2 trenches, the "Black" and "Red" lines.

At 5:30 on Easter Monday a massive bombardment opens up. Part of it is the creeping barrage intended to help you advance. Your Company climbs out of the front line trench and slowly advances single file across No Mans Land. The cold, heavy mud makes it difficult for you to keep up with the barrage but eventually you reach the German wire.

The barrage ends just as you reach the wire. The 108 fused shells have done their work - the wire is down and there's still no alarm from the Germans!

Your men rush the enemy trench only to find it deserted and in ruins. Two sentries lie dead on its floor - killed in the bombardment. As you turn a corner of the trench you see a German duck into the entry of an underground bunker. You know what your orders are: to leave the bunkers to the support units, and to follow the barrage and push on to the second trench. However, you are afraid the German you saw might being back Germans from a bunker, to attack you from the rear.

What do you do? Move on the the second trench or enter the bunker?
Enter the bunker

Follow orders and move on.