You catch up with your platoon just as the creeping barrage stops. Your men rush the German second line trench - and it's mostly empty. After a quick barrage of hand grenades, the few surviving Germans surrender. Patrols go down into the bunkers and soon group after group of Germans come up, with their hands up.

While a few men are assigned to escort the prisoners back to the Canadian lines, everyone else checks their gear and take a quick swing of water or rum.

Your orders are to stay put. A British reserve battalion will "leapfrog" over your position and continue the attack on the German Number 3 and 4 trenches. While they do that, you are to repair the trench defenses and prepare for a possible German counter-attack.

Your men, however, are eager to keep going. They've taken two trenches in just a few hours, there is plenty of daylight left, and the Germans aren't putting up much of a fight. They want to take that third trench. What should you do?

Keep going to the third trench

Stay and defend the second trench