You call back down the tunnel for your private, but still keep a close eye on the Germans. When he arrives you tell him to escort the Germans one by one up to the surface. You hope that the rest of your platoon is still there. If not, you tell the private just to point each German in the direction of the Canadian lines and use the rifle to get him moving.

The private does as he is told. One by one he escorts the Germans topside while you keep a sharp eye on the remaining prisoners. A few times you have to point your pistol when a German look as if he is about to try something. After an agonizing thirty minutes, it is done. You escort the last German to the surface. When you get there you are surprised to see only your private standing there. He explains that the platoon has moved on, so he just motioned to each prisoner to start walking to the Canadian lines- and they did!

You and the private heave a huge sign of relief. You take out a flask of rum you've kept hidden, tell the private to sit down, and the two of you take a long swig. Once your heart beat calms down you get up, grab your gear and try to catch up with your platoon. You wonder if anyone will believe your story.

As you move forward you are amazed to see many bands of German prisoners walking to the Canadian lines without escorts. One says to you that he's happy because his war is over and he's still alive, while your war goes on.