Basic Training Test#5: Battlefield Tactics

Here are a series of tests concerning battlefield tactics, Recruit. To move on you have to demonstrate that you can think like a soldier.

There is a German trench opposite you, 500 metres away. It has multiple rows of barbed wire in front of it, and the Germans have massed rifle fire, artillery and machine guns. What's the best way for your battalion to attack it?

a. Direct assault. Attack in a series of waves. The first waves will cut through the barbed wire, the middle waves will then charge across and take the trench, the last waves will act as reserves and bring up additional ammunition and supples.

b. Wait until some tanks become available and use them to attack it

c. After a full day of artillery shelling everone crawls forward towards the trench and eventually soldiers will get close enough to stand up and run at the enemy

d. Attack from two flanks instead of using a direct assault. As the enemy focused on one flank, the companies on the other side advance. You will get to the gun in a series of leapfrog moves on the left and right flanks.

What is the best tactic to eliminate the machine gun?

A.Direct assault

B.Wait for the tanks

C.Crawl forward with artillery support

D.Two flanking attacks, alternating their movement