Historical Note: Attack on Battleship Tirpitz
The "Tirpitz" was the sister ship of the "Bismarck". After the sinking of the "Bismarck" in 1941 the "Tirpitz" is the single
most dangerous and powerful ship in the German navy. Even worse, if the "Tirpitz" managed to join up with the two German battlecrusiers,
two pocket battleships, and some cruisers and destroyers, you'd have a battlefleet that the entire Royal Navy would have a hard time handling.
For this reason the British made multiple attempts to sink or cripple the "Tirpitz" before it could gett to sea.
On September 20th off Altenfiord, Norway, British miniature "X" submarines set out to attack the German "Tirpitz".
Two of the craft penetrate all the defences to reach "Tirpitz" Both drop their explosive charges under or near the battleship before they
sink and their crews escape. "Tirpitz" manages to shift her position slightly, but not enough to avoid damage when the
charges go up. She is put out of action for six months. Lt Donald Cameron RNR and Lt Basil Place RN are awarded the Victoria Cross.