Just as the ship starts to move away from the area, one of the lookouts calls out suddenly. There
is an large oil slick and some debris in the water! Everyone on deck can see and smell a large oil slick.
Articles of clothing, pieces of wood, paper are floating on the surface. A sailor uses a hook to snag some
of the debris. The items are definitely German!
It is likely that your ship has damaged or sunk a u-boat, but you can't be certain. Veteran submarine
commanders have been known to fake their own sinking by ejecting debris from their boat. However, you've
pushed your luck a long way with the escort commander and waiting longer might not produce any further results
- but it will infuriate the commander. As your ship returns to its station the crew feels
good that they have likely killed a u-boat, but they miss the feeling of certainty of a confirmed sinking.