Well done, Sailor! That's the Navy way!

As a sailor on one of His Majesty's warships you have given your oath to serve the King to the best of your abilities. In this case that means fighting the enemy. Your ship may have no armour and be massively outgunned by the raider but tradition and duty require you to fight. If the fates are very kind you might even have a surprising result. A destroyer's torpedoes are a formidable weapon even against a German raider. Two small British warships found themselves in exactly this position - the Glowworm and the Jervis Bay. Each elected to fight against hopeless odds. Both ships were sunk, but both saved an entire convoy by deflecting attention away from the merchant ships and then keeping the raider occupied until help arrived. Each captain won a Victoria Cross posthumously for conspicuous bravery. More importantly, they saved the lives of fellow sailors.