Advanced Training

The list of skills you neeed to acquire seems endless. . and then there's the endless marching drill, and fitness training. You spend your days working on Ship handling and sailng in severe weather, wind, waves, tides, and currents, On deck movement and safety- especially in heavy seas, Watch Keeping, Semaphore, Morse code, and Signal flags, Below decks confined space movement, escape, and rescue techniques, Ship maintenance, Emergency repairs, Firefighting, Ship security, Basic First Aid, Rescue techniques at sea, Small boat drills.

As well, you receive specialist training in one or two areas, including signals, engineering, stoker, machinist, gunnery, anti-aircraft gunnery, torpedoes, galley, medical, quartermaster, fireman, artisan, metalsmith, electrician, radio, radar, or ASDIC (anti-submarine detection).