Welcome to Basic Training at Valcartier, Quebec or Camp Shilo, Manitoba
Recruit, you must complete your basic training successfully in order to go overseas into combat
In a Canadian Training Camp, 1939-40
In 1939 Canada only had two main training camps - Valcartier, Quebec and Shilo, Manitoba - but by the end of the war,
almost 90 training camps were in operation. Upon arrival at the Camp, the men were directed in groups of 20
to 25 to the officers commanding Companies A and B. The Quartermaster issued each trainee three blankets, a
rubber ground sheet, one pillow, one plate and one set of cutlery. Trainees were then assigned to a Platoon
officer and to a barracks. Each trainee also had a thorough medical examination.
Training activities included parade marching drills, fitness routines, route marches, close quarters combat,
gas attack training, preparing entrenchments, sentry duty, night combat, field first aid, map reading, scouting
and camouflage, and field communications. Soldiers would also receive specific training for their role ( infantry,
machine gun, artillery, armour, reconnaissance, signals, engineering, ordinance, service corps, medical, officer leadership)