Basic Training Test #2: Battlefield Terms:
 Match the definition with the correct term

 Were you paying attention, Recruit? Let's see how many battlefield
  terms you remember. Match the definition with the correct term:

 1. Ambush

 2. Enfilade

 3. Pincer maneuver

 4. Flanking Maneuver

 5. Reserve

 6. Barrage

 7. Reconnaissance

Units held back from an initial attack to be used to reinforce initial attacks, to continue the attack, or to prepare defensive positions in case of a failed attack

Squads sent out ahead of the main force to identify terrain, land features and locate the enemy

A barrier of exploding artillery shells, created by continuous and co-ordinated fire of a large number of guns

To attack an enemy from the side or from the rear and side, or to maneuver to do so.

Carrying out a surprise attack on an enemy as they pass a concealed position

When fire can be directed along the long axis of the enemy unit. For instance, if the defenders can fire along an entire line of attackers

Attacking and surrounding an enemy by flanking attacks on both sides rather than by frontal assault