April,1945: Allies Liberate Nazi Concentation Camps In April and early May, 1945 Soviet, American, British and Canadian forces liberated the remaining German Concentration Camps. The Germans had tried to destroy and erase all evidence of as many camps as possible, including the six Death Camps in Poland and eastern Germany. In these camps Allied soldiers witnessed the results of atrocities beyond their imagination. Many were haunted by these images for the rest of their lives. They saw the bodies of tens of thousands of prisoners murdered in cold blood to prevent their liberation. They saw the mass graves and crematoria where hundreds of thousands of bodies were destroyed. They liberated thousands of prisoners who were literally living skeletons, starved within days of death. The most horrific discoveries occured at Bergen-Belsen, in northern Germany. Here the Germans had been unable to vacate and destroy the camp because of a typhoid epidemic. British and Canadian soldiers found approximately 60,000 prisoners still inside the camp, most of them half-starved and seriously ill, and another 13,000 corpses lying around the camp unburied. A further 13,000 died after liberation from typhoid or the effects of starvation. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To learn more about the camps the Canadians liberated, go to: The Allied soldiers did not know that these camps were just a part of the massive horror known as "Die Endlösung (The Final Solution)" or "The Holocaust". From 1942 until 1945 the Nazis designed and caried out the deliberate, cold blooded, systematic, industrialized murder of over 6 million Jews, Russians, Poles, Gypsies, Jehovahs Witnesses and Homosexuals. They created an entire network of collection, transit, slave labour and extermination camps connected by a rail network of death. Those capable of work were worked to the death. Those too young, too old, or too exhausted to continue working were exterminated at a rate of 50,000 per week! To learn more about the Holocaust go to: ![]() |