Training Stories: Orval Wilson - I went up for my first ride on Sunday and had a real good time. We flew over Regina and I was able to spot our place and all that. It isn't a bad looking joint from the air. We went as far as Qu'apelle and then followed the lakes around for awhile. We were up for three hours and we were supposed to find three winds each but the pilot wanted to play around a little so we only found one each. I took my camera up with me but one of the other guys had his and he stayed in the bomb hatch ail the time and I didn't get a chance to take any pictures. I didn't get a bit sick and I was a little disappointed in the trip I thought it would be a real thrill but it was less fun then doing 60 M.P.H in a car. The only thrill you get out of it is when you are low flying and boy were we ever low. The pilot had spent a 48 at this farm so he decided to give them a thrill. We swooped and dived all around the farm until I didn't know whether I was sitting or standing on my head. We haven't done any bombing as yet but we expect to do some this weekend or at least I hope so. 11/11/42 Dear Mother - We have been flying here everyday since Friday and I am getting pretty good at bombing even if I don't hit the target. A couple of the fellows are getting pretty sick and I think that one of them is going to get washed out. I have felt pretty lousy the last couple of flights but I haven't got sick as yet. It is sure a great thrill to watch your bombs drop away and follow it all the way down. When it gets near the ground it seems to flatten out and race along level with the ground while you sit up in the bomb hatch trying to make it hit the target by praying or something. Most of us figured we would hit the little shack near the target but so far we haven't even come close to it. We fired a machine gun the other day and I took some pictures of a few of the fellows and I will send you a copy if they turn out any good. We had to fill our own ammunition belts outside and our hands sure got cold. I sure wouldn't want to be in front of one of those guns when it cut loose because they can sure throw the lead plenty fast. We had a minor accident here last night a Bolingbrooke had to land with its wheels up it didn't hurt it much but it sure scared the pants of the air gunner in the turret. I bet he had to change his undies last night. ![]() |