The correct answer is A. You are right side up, flying level, 180 degrees from your original direction, and higher in altitude. Here's what you did: You picked up speed with a shallow dive. You then used that speed to pull into a climb which became a half loop. That meant you were flying in the reverse direction from how you started - but the loop turned you upside down. You then did a half roll to bring you to rightside up. EFS Test#4 An enemy aircraft is on your "six". You try a quick roll/dive/turn maneuver. You roll your aircraft to the left, use left rudder pedal,
and push the control stick forward. It works! As your plane turns left and drops you see the enemy plane continue straight ahead above you. A.Continue your left turn, increase your throttle, pull up on the control stick. Continue this until you see the enemy plane in front of you. B. Increase your r.p.m.s. Push your control stick right as you pull back on it. Use the right rudder pedal at the same time. You are doing a hard right turn. Look for the enemy plane above you and in front of you. C.Pull your throttle back to maximum power. Let your speed build up. Pull your control stick back hard! Prepare for a fast half loop to turn you around. Do a half roll to get right side up again. D. All three maneuvers will put you on the enemy's tail. You are in his "six" and he is in trouble! |