Marrying Allie: Alfred Herbert John Andrews![]() I left Semencourt on the 10th at 5 AM and arrived at Boulogne at 10 PM. I put up a the Hotel and at noon we sailed. It was rough and I was sea sick and have given a lot to be back on dry land. Next morning I went the Bank and drew out 25 Pounds, bought some clothes and caught the 11.45 for Grimsby and arrived at 6 PM. Allie met me and we went round to see Dixons and then home. I signed the papers for a special marriage license. These had to go to London. Next day I went to Frances and Smiths and also called at the Headquarters of the Manchester Regt. and got a special transportation form. At night I went round to see Rev. Smith (son of Gypsy Smith) about getting married. He put me thro a third degree before he agreed to perform the ceremony--had wife in Canada, what did I do in civilian life, etc.etc. I cabled home, Allie took a holiday from the bank. We went down and bought the wedding ring and arranged for an organist. The license arrived on the 14th so the wedding was set for the 16th. I got the railway tickets and wired for reservations in York and Edinburgh. We spent the time visiting round. I had expected Archie St. Louis to come up and be best man but he was sick so I had decided to do without a best man. The family made such a fuss about it that I decided to go out and find one. So I stopped the first Canadian I met, a Private Burnett of the 102nd Batt. and detailed him to act as my best man. We were married Sept 16 at 2 PM at Weekly Road church by Rev. Smith. A nice crowd were on hand as Allie was very popular. The choir turned out and sang. We went inside the house and had tea and left at 4.50 for York. We left York next morning at 10 AM and arrived in Edinburgh at 4 PM and took a cab to the Roxboro Hotel. They weren't going to let us in because I was a Canadian and they didn't want any scandal. However, after I produced their wire confirming the accommodation and some discussion as to how I heard of their hotel they agreed to let us in. We went to see the "Maid of the Mountains" at the Lyceum at night and had supper after at the Princess Hotel Grill. We left Edinburgh on the 21 at 10 AM, and arrived at Grimsby at 8.40 PM and took a taxi home. I left Allie 10 Pounds and on the 24th I left to go back. It was harder to go back this time than before because I was now married. However, it had to be done. I left Victoria Station at 7.50. I crossed at 11 AM. It was windy and I was a bit sea sick as usual. I stopped over night at Boulogne and next morning left at 9 AM and arrived at Daunville at 5.30 PM Sept 26 and reported to the C.C.R.D. (Can. Corps Reserve Depot). ![]() |