Vimy Test #6: 6. No matter how much preparation is done and how many tens of thousands of shells are fired, at some point your soldiers have to cross No Mans Land, get through the belts of barbed wire and assault the enemy trenches. What's the best way to cross No Mans Land without suffering massive casulaties? A. Use a creeping barrage to force the German defenders underground and to act as a screen for the attackers. B. Have British "sappers' construct tunnels under most of No Mans Land so the attackers could cross it underground and then pop up very close to the German trenches. These tunnels would also allow reinforcements and supplies to cross No Mans Land safely later in the battle. C. Have Canadian gunners fire shells with the new 106 fuze that detonates on the slightest contact. It was excellent for destroying barbed wire. D. Use all three methods to maximize the chance of success. |