War News: April - July, 1917
April 9 - May 16 The Arras Offensive: The Canadian attack on Vimy Ridge was part of a larger British offensive in the Arras region.
British and Australian forces attacked along the Scarpe River with little success. Solid initial planning led to local victories but
the British failed to follow up the initial successes. British forces suffer 160,000 casualties during the campaign.
April 16 - 25 The Nivelle Offensive: This was intended to be a major French offensive in the Rheims sector that was intended to break
through the German lines. The French attacks succeeded in making small advances, but with very high casualties. Over 120,000 French soldiers
were killed or wounded. After the attacks fizzled out French soldiers mutinied to demonstrate their lack of confidence in General Nivelle
and the other French commanders. The French soldiers refused to make any further attacks. They would only defend their trenches against German attacks.

April 28 - The Arleux Loop: This was a follow up to the Vimy operation, aimed at capturing a major German
billeting area at Arleux-en-Gohelle, east of Vimy. The 5th, 8th and 10th Canadian Battalions launched their attack at 4:30 in the
morning. Despite heavy machine gun fire on both flanks, the Canadians pushed through the town and achieved their objectives by 6:00 AM.
The Canadians then repulsed repeated German counter-attacks throughout the afternoon. In all, the Canadians advanced roughly 1500 metres
at a cost of 1000 casualties.
May: Prime Minister Borden comes to France to meet the Canadian commanders and discuss the war effort. When he reviews the Canadian
soldiers he sees the poor condition many of them are in. Borden vows that the soldiers will get the reinforcements they need. Borden then
moves on to London for a meeting of First Ministers. The desperate need for more recruits becomes the key topic.
June 7-14 The Battle of Messines Ridge: British and ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand) forces launch an attack against the Germans
on Messines Ridge. The attackers use many of the same tactics as at Vimy as well as extensive use of mining and underground explosives.
As at Vimy, the attack was a success but there was no major follow-up.
The Russian July Offensive - In July the Russians attempted a new offensive in the Galician region. After initial successes the offensive
broke down due to German resistance and Russian casualties increased quickly. By July 16 the Russian soldiers had suffered enough. Most of
the Russian army mutinies and refused to make any new attacks A German counter-offensive drove the Russian lines back 250 km and all Russian
resistance collapsed.
The Russian military effort has collapsed!! The Germans have won on the Eastern Front!!
The German forces did not advance
further into Russia, however. The German General Staff believed it was more important to transfer their soldiers to the Western Front to achieve
victory there as well