Trench Test#3: Battlefield Tactics On your first day in the front line trench a "vet" comes over to talk to you and your mates. He looks very serious. "O.K. Private," he says, "You passed your training in Britain, but now your real training starts. Forget about everything they taught you at camp. Now it's learn fast or die!" Here are some of the challenges we face every day in the trenches. Let's see if you know how to survive! ![]() Your Company has attacked an enemy trench. Now there's hand-to-hand fighting in the trench. It's every man for himself. What's your best weapon here? A. Using your pistol at close range. B. Using your shovel or entrenching tool as a weapon. C. Using your rifle and its bayonet. D. Using a home-made club, mace, or knife. |