Leaving for France, James Stevenson Balfour


Dear Ma,-

Tom Yorath just came in and announced that we leave for France Sunday night or Monday. He got his news from Lieut. Sparling and says it is official. We will not likely go to the trenches for a week or so but we may go right to them. I'll have more definite news by the end of the week and will tell you. The orders are we parade at 5.30 with full equipment. We are leaving to-night. We are not allowed out of bounds. There are only 2 of our officers going, Capt. Barclay & Lieut. Pope. The other places are filled by old Princess Pat officers. We don't like to loose the old officers but perhaps these new ones will be better.

We realize very clearly now what this was may mean to us. It is a great game of chance with high stakes, for we all would like to live. We may be wounded if lucky and return for a while. Dear Ma, it is a good thing the bunch is so good and section 12 will stick together very closely. We'll look after one another and do what we can.

If it falls my lot to be called away, remember in what cause it was. God will look after you all and we'll be united again in heaven. Life on earth is very short and if called away one is relieved of a large number of earthly cares and worries. I pray God that you all will live a happy peaceful life. May the war be over soon and loved ones united. Dear ma may God give you strength to overcome your worries and cares.

I'll drop a card when we leave the dock. I'm not sure where we sail from.

God will comfort and keep you all. Much love to everyone.

Your loving son