From the War Diary of Alfred Herbert John Andrews We arrived at Montreal at 4.30PM on Sept 2 and were marched by back street through rain to another station where we again entrained. We arrived at Valcartier camp at 8.30 AM on the 3rd. The station was three miles from the camp and we started out with our kit bags on our shoulder. On arrival we found a canvas city about 2 miles square. After a wait we were finally allotted tents into which we crowded 14 to a tent. It was perhaps as well that we were packed close because the nights were very cold. Reveille was at 5.30 and we started our infantry drill at once. Then followed two days of rain with the result that everything was soaking wet. Clothing was gradually issued, boots and puttees first and later overcoats. We found great difficulty in learning to put our puttees on properly. On September 9th I passed the doctor and was inoculated. I passed the eye sight test by memorizing the card. About this time we were given numbers. Mine was 14502. We were taken to the rifle butts again the next two days. My shooting was very poor but thanks to the fact that we marked each others cards, we all got a pass. Then followed a succession of drills, fatigues, and guard duty. ![]() |